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viernes, 5 de junio de 2009


Saludos a todos ^^
Hoy os dejo colgado el nuevo deck de principiante que saldrá a la venta el 9 o 10 de Junio, será uno de los grandes avances junto con Gold Series 2, ya que en este deck podremos encontrar al más preciado por todo el mundo: el X-Saber Airbellum.

-Deck List-

5DS2-EN001 - Gogiga Gagagigo (Common)
5DS2-EN002 - Sabersaurus (Common)
5DS2-EN003 - Cyber-Tech Alligator (Common)
5DS2-EN004 - X-Saber Anapelera (Common)
5DS2-EN005 - The Dragon Dwelling in the Cave (Common)
5DS2-EN006 - Road Synchron (Super Rare)
5DS2-EN007 - Powered Tuner (Common)
5DS2-EN008 - Goblin Attack Force (Common)
5DS2-EN009 - Penguin Soldier (Common)
5DS2-EN010 - Sasuke Samurai (Common)
5DS2-EN011 - Des Koala (Common)
5DS2-EN012 - Saber Beetle (Common)
5DS2-EN013 - Quillbolt Hedgehog (Common)
5DS2-EN014 - Junk Synchron (Common)
5DS2-EN015 - Speed Warrior (Common)
5DS2-EN016 - Skelengel (Common)
5DS2-EN017 - Sonic Chick (Common)
5DS2-EN018 - Magna Drago (Common)
5DS2-EN019 - X-Saber Airbellum (Common)
5DS2-EN020 - X-Saber Galahad (Common)
5DS2-EN021 - Willpower of the Weak Ones (Common)
5DS2-EN022 - Rush Recklessly (Common)
5DS2-EN023 - Giant Trunade (Common)
5DS2-EN024 - Tribute to the Doomed (Common)
5DS2-EN025 - The Warrior Returning Alive (Common)
5DS2-EN026 - Emergency Provisions (Common)
5DS2-EN027 - Creature Swap (Common)
5DS2-EN028 - Twister (Common)
5DS2-EN029 - De-Synchro (Common)
5DS2-EN030 - Unstable Evolution (Common)
5DS2-EN031 - Ookazi (Common)
5DS2-EN032 - Synchro Boost (Common)
5DS2-EN033 - Gatmuz's Urgent Orders (Common)
5DS2-EN034 - Dust Tornado (Common)
5DS2-EN035 - Magic Drain (Common)
5DS2-EN036 - Raigeki Break (Common)
5DS2-EN037 - Limit Reverse (Common)
5DS2-EN038 - Scrap-Iron Scarecrow (Common)
5DS2-EN039 - Miniaturize (Common)
5DS2-EN040 - Widespread Ruin (Common)
5DS2-EN041 - Road Warrior (Ultra Rare)
5DS2-EN042 - Junk Warrior (Common)
5DS2-EN043 - X-Saber Urbellum (Super Rare)

-X-Saber Airbellum-

When this card inflicts Battle Damage to your opponent by a direct attack, discard 1 random card from your opponent's hand.

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